What is Christmas Meaning and Why it is celebrated on 25th December

Christmas meaning

Christmas is the main festival of Christians, which is celebrated with gaiety all over the world, it is believed that on this day on December 25,

Lord Jesus Christ was born to enlighten the world, after which all the Christian religions commemorate this day as Christmas day.

Christmas meaning in Bible
Christmas is a combination of two words, “Christ + Mass” or shortened form of Christ’s Mass which literally means Christ as Lord Jesus

and Mass (also refer as Eucharist) which is a kind of ritual ceremony celebrated after the evening of the festivity, where priests share bread and wine with his disciple after Passover meals.

Why Christmas is celebrated on 25th December

There are many reasons behind this as well, it is believed that Lord Ishu was the son of Lord Sun and his birth was to spread the light of peace, whereas the days start getting longer from 25th December. One line birthday wishes for bestie

Christmas is celebrated in the memory of the birthday of Lord Jesus, so there is no authentic information available about the birth of Jesus Christ even in the Bible. Subscribe to us on Youtube

In such a situation, it is very difficult to find out the real birthday of Lord Jesus, yet why Christmas is celebrated on 25 December.

Due to that event, the believers believe that Jesus must have been born in the month of December, and on the other side the many festivals in the Northern Hemisphere used to start from December, which altogether was given the form of 25 December i.e. Christmas day.

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